Organisational structure
Organisation chart
Organisation chartFrom 1 January 2024, Maria Middelares General Hospital and St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze will form a single non-profit organisation that manages two general hospitals. Since 1 January 2023, a single steering committee has been responsible for the various care sites (Aalter, Deinze, Ghent and Ghent-Bruges).
Read more about our collaboration here.
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Organogram directiecomité
DownloadGoverning body and general assembly
Governing body and general assemblyThe governing body is composed of the following members:
Prof Pascal Verdonck (Chair) |
Mr Tom Roelants, vice president |
Ms Klara Bessemans |
Prof Ingrid Boone |
Ms Katalien Dendooven |
Mr Filip Dossche |
Mr Paul d'Otreppe |
Mr Koen Michiels |
Ms Dominique Roodhooft |
Prof Stijn Van den Bossche |
Mr Toon Vermeersch |
The members of the General Meeting are also the members of the Board of Directors:
Mr Francis Ampe |
Prof notary Jan Bael |
Ms Francine Bernaert |
E.Z. Nadine Buckens |
Mr Hervé Claeys |
Mr Paul Cooreman, LLM |
Mr Tonny De Bouvrie |
Ms Christine Deleersnyder |
Mr Frank Donckers |
Ms Mieke Embo |
Mr Edward Forrier |
Mr Frank Lippens |
Mr Paul Matthys |
Mr Paul Meganck |
E.H. André Peereboom |
Mr Ivan Van Cauwenberghe |
Prof Johan Veeckman |
Mr Ferdinand Verdonck |
Ms Nele Verlaecke |
Medical board
Medical boardWhat is a medical board?
The medical board is an advisory body that gives hospital physicians a say and involves them in policy decisions. The members are elected from and by the hospital physicians and they represent the medical staff of the hospital. Their mandate is for three years.
The medical board strives for good cooperation between the hospital, GPs and other hospital employees. Scientific research is stimulated.
Maria Middelares General Hospital | St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze |
Dr Henk Vanoverschelde (Chairperson) | Dr Peter Zenner (Chair) |
Dr Liesbeth De Groote(Vice Chairperson) | Dr Peter Mahieu (Vice Chair) |
Dr Pieter Byn (Secretary) | Dr Jeroen Huys (Secretary) |
Dr Judith Vermeiren(Treasurer) | Dr Geert De Bock |
Dr Koen Cathenis | Dr Ann De Kesel |
Dr Maarten De Wilde | Dr Stefan Huybrechts |
Dr Ximena Elzo Kraemer | Dr Sarah Maesen |
Dr Jan Heerman | Dr Anneleen Notebaert |
Dr Hugo Lauwers | Dr Sofie Van Den Broecke |
Dr Tom Lootens | |
Dr Ariane Luyckx | |
Dr Nico Van De Veire | |
Dr Diederik Van Sassenbroeck | |
Dr Christophe Van Steenkiste | |
Dr Barbara Vandendriessche |
Ethics committee
Ethics committeeWhat is it?
The ethics committee is a legally required multidisciplinary consultation body in the hospital.
There is a single joint ethics committee for Maria Middelares General Hospital and St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze.
The ethics committee is involved in all ethical aspects concerning patient care.
More specifically, the committee has the following powers:
- An advisory and guiding role concerning the ethical aspects of hospital care.
- A supportive role in making decisions on individual ethical cases.
- An advisory task regarding all protocols concerning experiments on humans and on reproductive human material ('Law concerning experiment on humans’ dated 7 May 2004).
Prof Nico Van De Veire, MD, Chair - Cardiologist |
Dr Philippe Ballaux, Deputy Chair – Cardiac Surgeon |
E.H. Bert Vanderhaegen, Secretary - Medical Ethicist, Chaplain |
Dr Roel Beckers, Radiologist |
Dr Martine Casteels – Gynaecologist |
Dr Ann De Kesel, Gynaecologist |
Dr Isabel Deblaere, Anaesthetist |
Dr Mieke Deceuninck, Gastroenterologist |
Dr Patrick Desimpelaere, Geriatric Specialist |
Prof Paul Germonpré, Pneumologist |
Dr Félix Gremonprez, Medical Oncology |
Dr Olivier Stevens – Neurologist |
Dr Hans 't Kindt, Cardiologist, Intensivist |
Dr Alexander Verheggen, Anaesthetist |
Shari Bernard, Midwife |
Hugo De Paepe – Head Nurse for Neuro-pneumology |
Iris Dejaeghere - Adjunct - Head Nurse for Intensive Care |
Kim Devolder – Lawyer |
Valerie Dierick, Head Nurse for Oncology |
Karolien Rondelez – Psychologist |
Berdien Van Damme – Hospital Pharmacist |
Johan De Jaeger, General Practitioner |
Do you have an ethical question or questions regarding advice within the context of a study?
Works Council
Works CouncilWhat is it?
The law of 20 September 1948 concerning the organisation of the business community governs the establishment of works councils in all companies employing 100 employees. The works council is first and foremost a consultative body between the employer and the employees' representatives. As a bipartisan body, the council shall be composed of:
- the company head and the delegates appointed by him or her
- the employee representatives, elected every four years by company personnel.
Mr Christophe Mouton (Chair) |
Frederik Coussée (Vice-Chair) |
Katty Lebeuf (Secretary) |
Jan Blontrock |
Mr Peter Dierickx |
Elie Vanderbauwede |
Herbert Lecomte |
Maaike d'Haenens |
Kathleen Blauwblomme |
Djani De Beule |
Isabelle De Cloet |
Marina De Duytsche |
Marijke De Kerpel |
Jacqueline De Meyer |
Carine De Temmerman |
Iris Dejaeghere |
Kristien Mestdagh |
Pascal Standaert |
Lies Van Bruwaene |
Piet Van Hoecke |
Lieve Van Wetterecapit |
Laila Valschaerts |
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