1. Specialisation: Ghent - Orthopaedics and traumatology Choose another specialisation

2. Physician: Dr Lagast Joost Choose another physician Not covered by agreement with the health insurance fund

3. Schedule your appointment

Online appointments can only be made for hip and knee conditions, but not every consultation appointment time may be available online. For a complete overview of open appointment times for a consultation, it is best to call Dr Lagast's secretariat (+32 (0)9 242 00 00).

Consult schedule

Private practice Sint-Denijs-Westrem

Consultation: By appointment

Time monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday
Morning - - -
Afternoon - - - - -

Private practice Deinze-Astene

Consultation: By appointment

Time monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday
Morning - - - - - -
Afternoon - - - - -