1. Specialisation: Ghent - Orthopaedics and traumatology Choose another specialisation

2. Physician: Dr De Keyzer Pieter-Bastiaan Choose another physician Not covered by agreement with the health insurance fund

3. Schedule your appointment


  • Online appointments are only possible for shoulder and hand conditions.
  • Please contact the secretariat by phone if you are wearing a cast.

Consult schedule

Consultation: By appointment

Time monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday
Morning - - - - -
Afternoon - - - -

Consultation: By appointment

Time monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday
Morning - - - -
Afternoon - - - - -

Consultation: By appointment

Time monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday
Morning - - - - - -
Afternoon - - odd weeks - - -

Consultation: By appointment

Time monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday
Morning - - - - - -
Afternoon - - - - odd weeks -

Brussels University Hospital – Orthopaedic Department and Trauma Medicine

Time monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday
Morning - - - - even weeks -
Afternoon - - - - even weeks -