Past Events
Huisartsensymposium pneumologie
Huisartsensymposium pneumologie
Huisartsensymposium fysische geneeskunde revalidatie
Huisartsensymposium endocrinologie en geriatrie: osteoporose
Huisartsensymposium robotchirurgie en innovatieve technieken
Mama Café
Huisartsensymposium endocrinologie: schildklier
Lessenreeks mindfulness (volwassenen)
Lessenreeks mindfulness (volwassenen)
Lessenreeks mindfulness (volwassenen)
IKG-symposium: multidisciplinaire aanpak in de dermato-oncologie
Mama Café - Vooruit op de buik!
Mama Café - Vooruit op de buik!
Mama Café - baby-mamayoga
Mama Café - skincare
Ontmoetingsmoment stagepartners AZ Sint-Vincentius Deinze
Huisartsensymposium orthopedie
Mama Café - vaste voeding bij baby's
Huisartsensymposium antibioticabeleid
Mama Café: babymassage
Huisartsensymposium: Toekomst van een klein regionaal ziekenhuis in een groeiend zorgcontinuüm
Mama Café
Dag tegen Kanker
Open bedrijvendag
Mama Café
Mama Café
Mama Café
Mama Café
Mama Café
Mama Café
Huisartsensymposium heelkunde
Huisartsensymposium chronische zorg
Kennismakings- en netwerkmoment dienst fysische geneeskunde en revalidatie
Let’s end cancer as we know it
Tentoonstelling Human Migration
9800 Deinze
Maria Middelares General Hospital Obesity Centre Webinar ‘Obesity and bariatric surgery in the long-term: implications and complications’
Anti-hormonal treatment for breast cancer
Anaphylaxis training sessions
Cerebral infarction and brain haemorrhage: causes and prevention
Cognition and communication with Parkinson's disease
Information evening about giving birth in our hospital 12
Living with the effects of acquired brain injury: cognition and independence
Information evening about pregnancy – Presented by ‘Child and Family’ 6
Information evening about giving birth in our hospital 11
Moving with Parkinson's disease
Information evening about giving birth in our hospital 10
Information evening on giving birth in our hospital 9
Information evening about pregnancy – Presented by ‘Child and Family’ 5
Information evening on giving birth in our hospital 8
Information evening on giving birth in our hospital 7
Information evening about pregnancy – Presented by ‘Child and Family’ 4
Information evening on giving birth in our hospital 6
Information evening on giving birth in our hospital 5
Information evening about pregnancy – Presented by ‘Child and Family’ 3
Information evening about giving birth in our hospital 4
Information evening about pregnancy – Presented by ‘Child and Family’ 2
Information evening about giving birth in our hospital 3
Information evening on giving birth in our hospital 2
Information evening about pregnancy – Presented by ‘Child and Family’ 1
Information evening on giving birth in our hospital 1