Memisa - Hospital for Hospital
Our organisation supports the 'Hospital for Hospital' project of the NGO Memisa. This organisation strives for long-term quality basic health care, especially in Central and West Africa, and in India. The initiative leans closely to our motive: to show solidarity and care, not only for the patients in our hospital, but also within a broader social framework and even beyond our national borders.
Your support is crucial.
Katako-KombeAZ Maria Middelares entered into a partnership with a hospital in Katako-Kombe (Democratic Republic of Congo). Thanks in part to our support, this hospital is booming. It has become the pilot hospital for the entire region and is developing into a training centre for doctors and midwives.
Support Katako-Kombe
Anyone wishing to contribute can transfer to the account BE79 8805 6167 7133 with the structured message 910/8000/00021. That way, the donation will automatically go into the account for the benefit of Katako-Kombe. Moreover, every donation from 40 euros per year entitles you to a tax certificate delivered by the NGO Memisa.
Your event or project to benefit Katako-Kombe
Do you care about Katako-Kombe and would you like to do something?
- Organise an event with part of the proceeds going to Katako-Kombe.
- Create a birth list to benefit Katako-Kombe.
- Replace gifts for your party with a donation to benefit our partner hospital.
For every donation of 40 euros or more, the donor receives a tax certificate entitling him/her to a tax reduction.
Kasongo-LundaAZ Sint-Vincentius Deinze has had a partnership with the Congolese health zone Kasongo-Lunda since 2005. Besides financial support, we also want to make a substantive contribution locally and, in addition to basic health care for all patients, our focus is mainly on the problems of pregnant mothers and their babies.
Support Kasongo-Lunda
Anyone wishing to contribute can transfer to the account BE66 8805 7923 5143 with the structured message 910/3000/00080. That way, the donation will automatically end up in the account for the benefit of Kasongo-Lunda. Any donation of 40 euros or more per year also entitles you to a tax certificate.
Click on the button below and find out more about our projects, and what exactly you can do.