1 website for Maria Middelares General Hospital and St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze
Maria Middelares General Hospital and St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze will become one non-profit organisation as of 1 January. As of 12 January, we will switch to one website www.mariamiddelares.be for both hospitals.
What impact can you expect?
- Online appointments - As of 15 January
- The login module for making an online appointment on the website will disappear for good.
- From now on, please use the digital patient platform MyHospital to make and manage (e.g. cancel) your appointment. Click here for more information. Your current appointments will also be available here.
- It continues to be possible to make an online appointment without a login (i.e.: without using MyHospital). To do so, click on 'Make an appointment'.
- Gradual transfer of layout & content
- There may be some disruption in navigation and functionality here and there. We are working to minimise the impact.
- The English-language version of the website will be updated in the coming weeks.

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