Exhibition by Rik Neirynck and Willem Hoet to Benefit Katako-Kombe

This spring, Rik Neirynck and Willem Hoet are organising an exhibition of paintings from and for Katako-Kombe.

Rik Neirynck has been on eight missions to Katako Kombe, DR Congo. Between 2008 and 2016, Rik solved many technical issues and took thousands of photographs of his surroundings and work activities. He also collected his experiences in a diary, which you can see here. Willem Hoet is known for his paintings of character portraits and impressions of the landscapes that he sees on his daily walks. The two met and then decided to join forces.

One day, while Rik was talking about Katako-Kombe, he suggested that some of his photographs from the South could provide inspiration for some of Willem's artistic paintings, to which Willem replied: ‘Let's do it!’

And so, using Rik's photos as the source material, Willem painted some local character portraits, landscapes and villages from Katako-Kombe. The paintings, done in the typical, small format that Willem uses (19.5 x 19.5 cm), are now on display as a benefit for the ‘Hospital for Hospital’ project.


Saturday and Sunday, 23-24 October, 30-31 October, 6-7 November and 13-14 November 2021
, 1:30pm – 5:30pm.


Munte Presbytery (Merelbeke)

Entrance is free. Would you like to visit during a weekday? That is possible by request. Contact Rik Neirynck at rik.neirynck@scarlet.be.