One for all, all against even one fall

The tenth Fall Prevention Week will take place from 19-25 April 2021 and has the slogan ‘One for all, all against even one fall’. Falling is a common problem, especially for the older population, and can have a variety of serious consequences.

  • Physical consequences: bruising, broken bones and sprains
  • Psychological and social consequences: fear of falling and social isolation
  • Financial consequences: increased cost of care

No matter how often one thinks that falling goes hand-in-hand with getting older, many falls can be prevented when the underlying risk factors are addressed.

Click on the titles below for more information.

Reduced weight, muscle strength and mobility are risk factors for falls. The best solution for preventing falls is to move your body regularly. Regular movement also has a number of benefits: strengthen the immune system, reduce stress, maintain or achieve a healthy body weight, and a reduced risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems.

Besides the importance of good general health, healthy eating is also important to keep bones and muscles strong, thus reducing a person’s risk of falling. Calcium, vitamin D and protein are especially important to keep a person’s muscles working well and bones strong, as well as to reduce injuries that could result from a fall.

Our kitchen inspires with a recipe for raw salmon with asparagus and burrata. Download the recipe below:

The environment has an important influence on the degree of physical activity. The presence or absence of helpful aids can influence the degree of movement in either a positive or negative manner. A few examples:

  • no or insufficient supports
  • high steps, uneven ground or loose tiles
  • unstable furniture that does not have a fixed place to hold onto
  • wet or slippery floors
  • insufficient lighting
  • carpets
  • etc.

Poor footwear can have a negative influence on balance and increases the risk of slips, sprains or falls. Walking in socks (even if they are anti-slip socks) or in bare feet can increase one’s risk of falling. For this reason, it is important to always wear good shoes (inside and outside). Safe footwear encloses the foot, is the right size, has a stiff heel cap, does not have a heel that is too high, has a supportive sole and has a good closure mechanism.

It is a system that comprises a computer with movement games, a large screen and a 3D camera that registers the movements. Patients can also do exercies without having to grab on to something. The playful interface motivates them to achieve their goals and to test their limits. In this way, they not only strengthen all their muscles, they can also build up their self-confidence. There is one of these devices in the Geriatrics Department as well as in the Rehabilitation Department.

More information can be found at: