Week of the grow lamp - parenthood and childrearing

‘The Week of the Grow Lamp’ puts childrearing in the spotlight with an offering of thought-provoking workshops and webinars. Group activities cannot yet take place.Instead, you can take a Ghent city tour where you discover places of support for your family.
During the entire month of May, you can follow workshops and webinars.
The Week of the Grow Lamp takes place during May 16-23, 2021.
It is coordinated by the Flemish government Expertise Centre for Childrearing Support (EXPOO), Child and Family, and the Family Foundation.
What is in the programme?
All offerings are still digital, but not any less interesting.
During the entire month of May, you can participate, free of charge, in all sorts of online activities related to childrearing.
How to participate
Participation in online activities is free of charge, but you do need to register. You can register at: www.stad.gent/weekvandegroeilamp
Programme of interesting online workshops and webinars.
- Stress in children, with Ilse Vande Walle - 17 May 2021
- Hey baby, play and cuddle tips 0 - 1 year old - May 19, 2021
- Hey baby, play and cuddle tips 1 - 2.5 year old - May 19, 2021
- You and your teenager, with Sarah Van Gysegem - May 20, 2021
- Negotiate with your child, with Anouk Pieters and Bart Libbrecht - 27 May 2021
- What every child needs - Klaar Hammecker - 31 May 2021
- Time for us, with Björn Accoe - 3 June 2021 at 8pm
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