The communication booklet

The communication booklet

You will receive a communication booklet at your first consultation or at the start of chemotherapy. This booklet is designed to promote reciprocal communication between the oncology patient, physicians and multidisciplinary staff within the Oncology Care Programme and the care providers in the patient's situation at home. In addition to the most important contact details, you will also find chapters with more specific information about the treatment. Sheets to be filled in are also provided. We will include comments about the treatment or care. The communication booklet is your personal booklet. All questions and concerns about the situation at home can be mentioned here. Bring the booklet with you every time you visit the hospital and the GP.

Recording symptoms at home

Recording symptoms at home

Patients taking oral medication (pills) as an anti-cancer treatment can be followed up with through an app on their smartphone at home. On the app, the oncology coach monitors the treatment in the home environment in close consultation with the attending physician. By regularly recording several parameters, the care providers stay informed about the course of the therapy. Depending on the severity of possible complaints or side effects, the attending physician will be informed and you will receive advice.

Only available in Dutch:

Care massages

Care massages

Oncology patients at Maria Middelares General Hospital are entitled to three free massage therapy sessions each year. The sessions are conducted in a separate massage room by trained volunteers of the non-profit organisation for massage therapy. They help patients relax while they are going through a difficult time.

Massage therapy involves gentle, safe massage that is suitable for people with health issues. It is given by recognised massage therapists who have completed and obtained a certificate for an extensive specialist course. Massage therapy can be used as an additional health therapy during treatment, during recovery or in a palliative setting.

Many people experience stress when going through a difficult time, which affects their physical condition. Relaxation of the body releases these stress mechanisms. Massage therapy increases the patient’s quality of life and has various health benefits: improved sleeping, less fatigue, less nausea, etcetera.

During massage therapy, the focus is always on the person rather than the disease. The patients choose themselves which parts of the body they want massaged. Some people opt solely for a hand or head massage. Others prefer to lie on the massage table for a back or leg massage. The massage therapist is always discrete and professional, and he or she creates a pleasant atmosphere.

Register through the secretariat (+32 (0)9 246 95 22, or (Patient -> Making an appointment -> specialty Integrated Cancer Centre in Ghent > Massage therapy).

These take place in the massage room (at gate D, take the visitor lifts to the fourth floor and follow the signage)

AYA - adolescents and young adults with cancer

AYA - adolescents and young adults with cancer

AYA contact personss with us:

REVIVO Rehabilitation Programme

REVIVO Rehabilitation Programme

Revivo is our Oncological Rehabilitation Programme that tries to contribute to a better quality of life. You will find here what this oncological rehabilitation can mean for you as a patient, and how you can sign up for it.

Are you interested in joining one of the REVIVO info sessions? Click on register Oncore rehabilitation Revivo and take a look at the programme. You can register online there for the session that interests you.

Only available in Dutch:

Advance care planning

Advance care planning

Advance care planning entails thinking about and making agreements on the desired care in case of serious illness, if you are not able to decide for yourself. This is not only for severely ill patients or the elderly, but for all of us.


Advance Care Planning (ACP)