Were you admitted for coronary disfunction, heart failure or cardiac surgery? The cardiologist will invite you to participate in our Heart Rehabilitation Programme. Several care providers will assist you, each with their own expertise, so that you can resume your work and hobbies as soon as possible. Through the Heart Rehabilitation Programme, we also want to motivate you to adopt a healthier life style. This could involve more exercise, healthy eating, reduced stress or quitting smoking. This way, you can reduce the risk of new heart problems.
Inpatient phase
Inpatient phaseTo be able to start the Outpatient Rehabilitation Programme, the application needs to be submitted during your hospital stay. The physical therapist or social assistant who visits you in your room will take care of that. Upon discharge, you will receive an appointment for the first rehabilitation session. You will already start doing light exercises in your room.
Outpatient phase
Outpatient phaseOutpatient rehabilitation consists of forty-five sessions that are organised according to your needs (within a period of six months). The Heart Rehabilitation Programme not only ensures an improvement of exercise capacity, but it also includes a preventative approach in relation to the risk factors.
You can avail yourself of volunteer-run transport to the rehabilitation session if you are not able or allowed to drive and you do not have anybody to drive you. The Social Service representative can help you to arrange this. With a transport certificate, you are also eligible for partial compensation from the health insurer.

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