Conditions and diseases

Eczema in children

Symptoms and causes

Symptoms and causes

What is it?

Atopic eczema usually develops during childhood, but can start at any age. It occurs in 8 to 20% of children and is often the first predictor of a later allergy.

Atopy is a hereditary trait. Children are born with dry skin 'by nature'. They are genetically predestined to develop eczema. This occurs often within families. The real cause is a bad 'cement' in the skin. The skin layers are made up of cells that are 'fused' together. In atopy, the cement is of poor quality. The skin then has a poor barrier: it is dry, chapped and easily becomes spontaneously irritated.

This predisposition is also associated with a tendency to react to pollen, house dust mites, cat hair, etcetera, and, at a young age, to food. People with atopy can also develop hay fever and asthma.


In babies, atopic eczema occurs all over their body. It mainly affects the cheeks, scalp and the outside of the arms and legs. Later, you will see it mainly in the folds of the arms and legs and the wrists. Even in adulthood, eczema can still be extensive: in the folds and on the eyelids.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis and treatment


  • Extensive anamnesis and clinical research
  • If necessary, additional testing with skin tests and blood draws, performed by our paediatric nurse.


Treatment centres and specialisations

Treatment centres and specialisations

Latest publication date: 15/05/2024