Conditions and diseases


Symptoms and causes

Symptoms and causes

What is it?

With hives, certain white blood cells release a substance (histamine) en masse in your blood unnecessarily.


The substance released in your blood suddenly causes bright itchy red bumps. In the centre, they sometimes become so thick that they are whiter. They may also have a white edge around them. Blotches can also appear very quickly. These blotches can change places or quickly disappear again. If you have blotches that go away within 24 hours, chances are that you have hives.

You can also develop‘Quincke oedema' . In the process, a piece of skin will quickly swell up like a balloon, e.g. a lip or eyelid. This can occur together with hives.

How often does it occur?

20% of the population develops hives once in life. Don't panic, even if you are sometimes full of red spots.


  • The white blood cells that release histamine into your blood are overstimulated. This often happens after you have been ill, even after a common cold.
  • Anti-inflammatories often provoke hives. A few weeks may pass between taking this painkiller and the itchy bumps. So, you may not always make the link yourself.
  • Sometimes, a clear cause for the hives cannot be found, even with prolonged forms.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis and treatment

Hives are not allergies. So, allergy tests are rarely useful. Your physician will usually prescribe antihistamines (medication against allergic reactions). These are harmless pills. With hives, it is important that you take them daily at fixed times, whether you have itching or not. Sometimes, you have to take many pills a day until everything heals.

Difficult, long-term forms of hives can be treated with special medication or injections.

Treatment centres and specialisations

Treatment centres and specialisations

Latest publication date: 15/05/2024