Please note
The info on this page only applies to the paediatrics department at St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze.
Multidisciplinary team
Multidisciplinary teamIn the hospital, we collaborate with the disciplines of ear-nose-throat diseases, skin diseases, orthopaedics, urology, surgery...where necessary.
GPs and primary care
GPs and primary careThe paediatricians attach great importance to cooperation with the entire primary care service: GPs, independent midwives, physiotherapists, speech therapists, the CLB, child healthcare, Child and Family, psychologists, rehabilitation centres, home counselling...
For many problems, a referral from the GP is required for additional information. The GP always receives a report of each admission and after each referral. Relevant results of examinations and consultations of outpatients are also provided to the GP.
University Hospital Ghent
University Hospital GhentWe work closely with Ghent University Hospital. In case of specialist pathology, super-specialty problems, rare diseases, we provide a quick and efficient referral ourselves.
For seriously ill children, we rely on the referral protocols for possible transfer to paediatric intensive care at Ghent University Hospital.
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