Population screening for colorectal cancer
When colorectal cancer develops, you do not have any symptoms at first. As a result, the disease is often discovered late. Therefore, it is important to detect colorectal cancer before you develop symptoms.
Dr Erik Vanderstraeten
Since 2013, men and women aged 50-74 are invited by the Flemish government to have a stool test every two years. A laboratory examines your stool sample to see whether it contains any traces of blood. Too much blood in the stool can indicate colorectal cancer or polyps, which are the precursors of colorectal cancer. In case of an abnormal test result, an additional examination with a colonoscopy is recommended. Here, polyps can be detected and removed before cancer cells form, and complications or more severe treatments can be avoided.
For further information about the population screening: www.bevolkingsonderzoek.be
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