Practical information
Intensive Care - introduction
Intensive Care - introductionThe Intensive Care Department can be reached through gate E on the first floor. In the waiting room, you need to check in by telephone by following the instructions.
The department has 22 single rooms, distributed over three units. To distinguish between the different units, they all have a different colour. Unit 1 can be identified by its green colour, Unit 2 by its petrol blue colour and Unit 3 by its orange colour. Each unit is divided into zones. Each zone has two to three beds. Units 2 and 3 have isolation rooms.
The department houses both patients who have undergone surgery and patients who are critically ill. It is possible that the patient will be moved to another room within the Intensive Care Department during their stay. This may be due to a change in the condition of the patient or because of organisational reasons.
Visiting hours and exchange of information
Visiting hours and exchange of informationWe guarantee an optimum service that is in the interest of our patients. To that end, we agree with the family how e.g. visiting opportunities, exchanging information, etc. are to be handled.
A short visit can be very supportive, both for yourself and your relative. Our visiting hours are as follows:
Patients can be visited from 8am to 8pm.
Practical information
At a first visit, please check in at the reception on the ground floor. You will be given the number of the room where your relative is staying. You can type in this room number on a kiosk that is located at gate E, on the first floor in the Intensive Care waiting area. You are then automatically connected to a nurse who monitors your relative. This nurse will assist you further.
Patients in the Intensive Care Department are usually seriously ill or recovering. They require regular care, examinations and treatment. In certain circumstances, you may therefore need to wait a little while. We will try to estimate the waiting time and communicate this to you. The nurse will let you enter as soon as possible.
Communicating information
You can speak to a physician without making an appointment between 11.30am and 12.30pm.
If this time is not feasible for you, please book an appointment with a physician through the nurse who is responsible for your relative.
- Information about diagnosis, treatment and prognosis will be communicated by the attending physician.
- The nurse will be able to give you information about care and current condition.
- Because of privacy reasons, any information communicated by telephone is limited to a minimum.
Please keep to the following:
- Visits are restricted to immediate family members and are limited to a maximum of three people.
- So as not to obstruct the department’s work and out of respect for the other patients, please refrain from wandering in the corridor. If you have any urgent questions, please press the call button on the patient’s bed.
- Due to privacy reasons, taking pictures or video at the Intensive Care Department is prohibited.
- Rest is an important part of recovery for all patients in the Intensive Care Department. Keep your visit therefore as brief and calm as you can. The nurse may make adjustments to visits for reasons of the patient’s well-being or work load.
- If children under 14 years of age want to visit, please consult with the supervising nurse to allow for expert preparation and to avoid or minimise traumatic experiences.
- Please do not bring any flowers, fruit or presents to the Intensive Care Department.
- Make sure to disinfect your hands when entering or leaving the unit or the room. Hand sanitiser is available for use at the room door.
- If you are ill, it may be better to postpone your visit temporarily. If in doubt, you can always consult your GP or the supervising physician in the Intensive Care Department.
LeafletsYou can find general information about our department in the ‘Intensive Care’ leaflet.
You can also read about the aforementioned visiting rules in the ‘Intensive Care Department Visiting Hours’ leaflet.
Find more information about organ and tissue donation in the ‘Organ and Tissue Donation’ leaflet.
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