Ghent - Orthopaedics and traumatology
The Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department treats injuries to the bones and joints, muscles and tendons. You can come and see us for problems of the neck, back, shoulder, elbow, hand, wrist, hip, knee, foot or ankle and all the bones in between.
Our team
In addition to their general orthopaedic training, all our physicians have completed additional training (fellowships), mainly in respected, international centres. They are supported by an experienced administrative and nursing team.
You can also come and see us for diagnosis, advice and treatment of issues with the locomotor system. This includes all joints, muscles, ligaments and bones (with exception of the skull). This mainly involves surgical treatment.
The most prevalent orthopaedic problems are injury due to accidents or problems due to wear and tear or temporary overload. The complaints often involve pain or loss of functionality, resulting in disruptions to daily life. You can come and see our team too about a numb or tingling sensation in your limbs, congenital conditions as well as conditions in children.
We assist you, communicating not only within our team but, if required, also with other departments (e.g. physical therapists, rehabilitation physicians, radiology, A&E department). Together, we always search for the best solution for your problem. To that end, we offer you the most modern treatments in which quality of care and patient satisfaction always come first.

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