Educational videos
How do you get your child to inhale correctly?
How do you get your child to inhale correctly?It is not always clear to parents how to get their baby or child to inhale correctly, known as'puffing'. If your child inhales incorrectly, the medication might not work completely.
In the videos below, one of our paediatricians, Dr Barbara De Wilde, explains how to use the model in question correctly for nine different types.
How do you perform a nasal rinse on your child?
How do you perform a nasal rinse on your child?Congested noses are often the cause of bothersome throat, ear, and respiratory infections. Whoever takes care of babies or young children will often need to clear up a stuffy nose. An easy and cheap way to do this is by using a nasal rinse. The video below shows you how you can rinse your baby's nose with a small bottle. Children who are a bit older can do this themselves with a nasal netti pot. You will also learn how you can make a saline solution easily.
‘Going to hospital’ animation video
‘Going to hospital’ animation videoThis animated film aims to prepare young children (aged 3-6) for their stay at Maria Middelares General Hospital. The booklet tells the story of Marie and her ‘little sick ears'.
The video covers the entire process - from preparation at home to her hospital discharge - with spoken explanation and visual images (video by Dr Yann Vandormael and Liesbet Seigers).
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