Please note

The info on this page only applies to patients giving birth at Maria Middelares General Hospital.

Prenatal classes

Prenatal classes


Midwife: What happens during labour and how do you deal with the pain?
Physiotherapist: breathing exercises and postures during contractions.

Midwife: What is the birth process like?
Physiotherapist: pushing techniques, pushing positions and breathing while pushing

Feeding the baby
Midwife: breastfeeding and feeding positions
Physiotherapist: general exercises

The maternity period
Midwife: learning about life with a new baby and your new family situation
Physiotherapist: massage techniques

Are you expecting a baby? And you would like to prepare yourself as well as possible for this special event? Then register for our prenatal class series. One of our midwives will give instruction on four topics (labour, giving birth, feeding your baby and the maternity period), and a physiotherapist will show you how to do specific exercises.

During these sessions, we emphasise the importance of growing up in a smoking-free environment for your child. We will also explain a bit about our partnership with a hospital in Katako-Kombe, the Congo.

The prenatal classes consist of four sessions designed to give you the best possible preparation for the birth of your baby.
You can attend this lesson series either in person at the Maria Middelares Meeting Centre or online.

The classes are held every Tuesday for four weeks. You may choose from three different class times: Classes start punctually.

Start dates and location in 2024

  • Group 1:
    6.30pm - 8.30pm at the Maria Middelares Meeting Centre
  • Group 2:
    6.30pm - 8.30pm at the Maria Middelares Meeting Centre
  • Group 3 (digital):
    • 8.30pm - 9.30pm online
    • You will receive a link to the video from our midwives before the start (on the Tuesday of the series of classes at 6pm). You watch this video and log in at 8.30pm for the interactive session.
    • You will receive the link for this digital session by email too.

Registration and participation fee

Pre-registration is mandatory. Choose a series of classes that is completed no later than 1 month before your delivery. A maximum of ten couples can attend per group.

The fee is €35.00 for the full series, regardless of attendance. You will receive an invoice from the hospital after the classes have ended.

Register for prenatal classes
You can register by telephone on +32 (0)9 246 99 00 from Monday to Friday (9am - 5pm). We will inform you in a timely manner if these lessons are only available online.

This form is only available in Dutch.

{"class":"validate","formAttributes":{"data-title":"Postnatale lessen","data-skip-html-reload":true}}

Postnatale lessen

1 lessenreeks bestaat uit 8 lessen (twee keer per week)

Wat breng je mee?

  • je baby
  • handdoek/tetradoek voor de baby
  • olie

Je ontvangt een bevestigingsmail nadat je dit formulier succesvol hebt verstuurd. Bekijk ook zeker de spam-folder in je inbox.

Leaflet and route map

Only available in Dutch:

Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour

Our virtual tour may be helpful for answering any questions you might have. To give you more confidence in giving birth and your maternity period, our hospital has developed a virtual tour at The tour is fully tuned to the needs of future parents.

You can follow the entire process of having a baby in our hospital. Recommended! The virtual tour walks you through getting from the A&E Department to the Delivery Unit. You will be able to see several of the delivery rooms. At the maternity unit, you can also visit different rooms or visit the neonatal unit. The virtual tour is narrated and comes complete with explanations provided by several physicians and other staff members. Extra information is available in the form of pop-ups.

View the delivery unitt, maternity and neonatal unit of Maria Middelares General Hospital here.
View the delivery unitt, maternity and neonatal unit of Maria Middelares General Hospital here.

Child and Family

Child and Family

Please see the ‘Child and Family’ website for all their information, where you can register for ‘My Pregnancy’, sign up to receive the pregnancy newsletter or subscribe to the pregnancy magazine.