Charitable cause
Hospital for Hospital:
Hospital for Hospital:
For years, we have supported Memisa's Hospital for Hospital project. Maria Middelares General Hospital General Hospital supports a partner hospital in Katako-Kombe, while St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze does the same in Kasongo-Lunda (both in the Democratic Republic of Congo).
We focus on, among other things, mother and child care. The initiatives of the last few years have seen a noticeable reduction of maternal mortality and complications of pregnancy. Children have been vaccinated on a large scale and there is a programme to prevent and treat malnutrition. Thanks to the support of many, this hospital is growing rapidly and has become the pilot hospital for the entire region. It has even turned into a training centre for physicians and midwives.
We are now moving ahead with, among other things, a veritable paediatric department, but we still need extra funds.
Read more about our charitable causes.

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