Clinical studies
Maria Middelares Hernia Centre has greatexpertise in the repair of all types of abdominal wall hernias. In doing so, we always try to further optimisethe surgical repair of abdominal wall fractures. This is why we conduct scientific research into these additional conditions. Of course, the patient will be thoroughly informed. Participation is only with express consent and always on a voluntary basis.
Why conduct clinical research?
Why conduct clinical research?Every year, many patients take part in clinical research. Our centre has been specialising for several years in researching new and existing treatment methods. This research often takes place in collaboration with internal and external partners, on behalf of pharmaceutical companies or on our own initiative.
The voluntary cooperation of patients is essential to improve the quality of our service. The safety of the patients taking part in the study is always a top priority.
If you qualify for a specific study, your surgeon may ask you to participate. You have complete freedom to decide whether you want this or not.
What is a clinical study?
What is a clinical study?The term “clinical study” refers to all studies in patients as part of a scientific study. That is why a clinical study can be seen as a practical approach to a medico-scientific question.
Clinical studies are taking place in all fields of research in hernia surgery. It may concern questionnaires submitted to participants or the retrieval of data from past surgeries (i.e. retrospective) or specific studies in patients after their operation (i.e. post-operative) and the testing of new treatment methods or medication, etc. (i.e. prospective).
Clinical studies are very important for the development or validation of new treatment therapies and techniques. Furthermore, clinical studies are essential in preventive health care. This is the purpose of registers such as the EuraHS register for the rupture of scar tissue, which help monitor certain diseases and their course or treatment. These registers make it possible to identify which patients are more at risk than others for certain conditions than others. It also makes it possible to determine where and when treatment methods should be initiated.
Without the clinical studies, there would be no medical advancements.
‘The patient, with respect for his or her human dignity and autonomy and without discrimination on any grounds whatsoever, has the right to a quality service that meets his or her needs.’
Current studies
Current studies- Eugene study Randomised monocentric study in laparoscopic inguinal herniae surgery with a 3D endolap visible® prosthesis with or without liquiband® fix 8 net fixation
Study design: Prospective monocentric double-blind randomised clinical trial
With this study, we aim to demonstrate that the 3D Endolap mesh (or net) can be safely placed with or without fixation and to map the position of the mesh in the patient's body safely through an NMR examination at one month and at twelve months postoperatively.
The study patient will be followed up for five years post surgery.
Principle investigator: Dr Filip Muysoms
Research Centre: Maria Middelares General Hospital
- Coraline study: Conventional versus robotic-assisted laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair
Study design: Prospective monocentric double-blind randomised clinical trial
This study compares the postoperative course for patients after the laparoscopic repair of bilateral inguinal hernia treated with classical laparoscopic surgery (l-TAPP) to robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery (r-TAPP).
The study patient will be followed up for one year post surgery.
Principle investigator: Dr Filip Muysoms
Research Centre: Maria Middelares General Hospital
- PUMA study: Prospective study for the visualisation through NMR of an iron oxide-loaded PVD (polyvinylidene fluoride) prosthesis after robot-assisted laparoscopic preperitoneal abdominal wall repair (PUMA: Pre-peritoneal Umbilical Mesh Area)
Study design: Prospective monocentric clinical trial
When repairing an abdominal wall fracture or hernia, a mesh (net) is always used so that the contents of the abdominal cavity can no longer move outside of the abdominal wall. Scientific evidence is lacking regarding the extent, if any, of net shrinkage after robot-assisted laparoscopic abdominal wall repair. This study attempts to demonstrate this by using mesh interwoven with iron particles (PVDF prosthesis) that are visible during an NMR examination. The study patients undergo NMR imaging at one month and thirteen months after their surgery to map the position and size of the mesh.
Principle investigator: Dr Filip Muysoms
Research Centre: Maria Middelares General Hospital
- rTARUP study: ‘long-term follow-up for two years after robot-assisted umbilical hernia repair’
Study design: Prospective monocentric interventional cohort study
Referring to the retrospective study in which potential complications and recurrences were analysed at one year postoperatively (MMS.2021.021: long-term analysis of the rTARUP technique for ventral hernia repair), this study period was extended to a two-year follow-up period, so that more data are available on the long-term effects after rTARUP surgery.
Principle investigator: Dr Filip Muysoms
Research Centre: Maria Middelares General Hospital
- UNITE study: A multicentre Belgian study to evaluate treatment methods for hernia repair
Study design: Prospective multicentre interventional clinical trial
The aim of this clinical study is to evaluate the results of different treatment methods for scar fracture repair to determine the potential advantages and disadvantages associated with each technique and possibly determine the best technique for such a scar fracture.
Principle investigator: Dr Filip Muysoms
Principal: Ghent University Hospital
Research Centre: Maria Middelares General Hospital
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