External initiatives

Back on Track Foundation

Back on Track Foundation

The Back on Track fund was founded by decathlete Thomas van der plaetsen in collaboration with Maria Middelares to support cancer patients and their loved ones.

Please visit our website: www.backontrackfoundation.org

Villa Zomernest

Villa Zomernest

Villa Vomernest is an open house in Sint Martens for people who currently have cancer and who have had it. Every last Friday of the month, Villa Zomernest and ‘Kom op Tegen Kanker’ organise a time for people with cancer and their support group to meet for coffee. For more information, please visit our website: www.villazomernest.be

The Majin House

The Majin House

The Majin House is a meeting place in the centre of Ghent for people with cancer.

For more information, please visit our website


Wag Against Cancer

Wag Against Cancer

Elke maand organiseert Kom op tegen Kanker een online praatcafé rond een bepaald thema. Een overzicht vind je op www.komoptegenkanker.be/wat-we-doen/zorg/komende-praatcafes-koffiemomenten

Elke laatste donderdag van de maand kan je een online workshop volgen "Look good, feel better". Alle info vind je op www.komoptegenkanker.be/wat-we-doen/zorg/verzorgingsactiviteiten

Rentree - werken na kanker

Rentree - werken na kanker

Nancy Lelubre is an experienced trainer and coach. Healthy distraction, as well as an invigorating walk with a dog as mediator, is more than welcome for current and former cancer patients). As co-coordinator, Nancy supports and oversees the entire project.

William Fourie, pedagogist, coordinates the newly-initiated non-profit ‘The Striped Giraffe’. The non-profit will promote and advance relational communication in all its forms, whether with the general public or with target groups who have less access to this material, such as seniors and persons with a disability or with special needs. Appreciation for every person, as well as respect for nature and culture, is essential for this.

Stand up to cancer - initiatives

Stand up to cancer - initiatives

"Als specifiek doel richt VZW OIGO zich tot het verbeteren van het comfort van de patiënt. Door het inrichten van nieuwe activiteiten zullen verder fondsen worden ingezameld ten voordele van de verschillende kankerafdelingen"

Meer info op https://www.oigo.be/

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