You can find all the answers to your FAQ related to speech therapy here.
No. A test performed by a speech therapist must always be ordered by a prescription from a physician or specialist. Not all physicians can prescribe speech therapy testing or treatment.
This question cannot be answered easily because there are so many different situations. If you are hospitalised, then it first depends to which ward you have been admitted. The law stipulates, for example, that speech therapy is included in the hospital day price in the following departments: geriatrics (elderly care), Geriatric Day Hospital, SP Service (hospital rehabilitation service) and PAAZ (Psychiatric Department). For this reason, you will not receive an invoice for speech therapy if you were in one of these departments at the time you received speech therapy.
Speech therapy can never be reimbursed if no treatment was provided after the testing.
If testing and examinations suggest that speech therapy treatment could be useful, then the speech therapist may request reimbursement from the mutual insurance fund. The government has drawn up a list of disorders for which speech therapy interventions can be reimbursed.
The request will be submitted to your mutual insurance fund. They decide, within the applicable regulations, whether or not the request will be granted. If not approved, most mutual insurance funds will still provide limited reimbursement for a certain number of sessions.
That is an option. Our speech therapists may visit a patient's home that is within approximately 20 kilometres from the hospital. People who have not received follow-up care at our hospital may also receive our home visit services. A fixed amount for mileage is charged.
Yes. All our speech therapists are covered by agreement with the health insurance fund. And we work according to the legally agreed-upon rates and strive to provide affordable care for all.
If your mutual insurance fund grants a reimbursement for speech therapy, you will only pay the co-payment
Your speech therapist can discuss this with you. If the speech therapist comes to your home, a fixed reimbursement amount will be calculated. This will be discussed with you at the start of treatment.
Absolutely. Our speech therapists may visit a patient's home that is within approximately 20 kilometres from the hospital.
The number of times you receive speech therapy depends on several factors, such as what can be legally reimbursed for certain disorders and what the treatment goals are. The speech therapist will discuss the treatment frequency with you.
Our department is specialised in complicated disorders in adults. For recommendations related to voice disorders in children and eating and drinking problems in babies and young children, you may also consult our department. For speech and reading disorders such as dyslexia, stuttering and dysphasia, you can find a speech therapist from the Flemish Society for Speech Therapists (VVL). Go to their website www.vvl.be and select the 'Patient' profile, where you can use the search function to find a speech therapist.
In this case, it is best to contact our department. We are happy to look at your circumstances and see what the legal and practical options are.
Yes, you may come to our department for one-time extensive testing. This is provided for mild as well as severely complicated disorders involving language, speech, cognition, swallowing and the voice.
This testing may not be reimbursed. Your speech therapist can give you the necessary information about this.
We do have speech therapy student interns at our department because we would like to contribute to the future of speech therapy. We receive many requests every day regarding student observers or volunteer interns. To complete an internship with our department, your educational institution must have an internship agreement with our hospital. Otherwise the internship is not allowed due to liability, privacy laws and practical organisational reasons. This holds for long-term as well as visiting internships.
The contact person for internships is Marieke Vandelanotte.
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