ContactWant to make an appointment for a consultation? Schedule your appointment preferably online or contact the Gynaecology Secretariat by phone.
You can contact the secretariats of our physicians by selecting a physician on the 'Team' page. Filtering by location is also possible. You will find the phone number of (the secretariat of) your physician at the bottom of the page.
Are you newly pregnant? Then complete this contact form (only for patients of St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze). We will contact you personally within two working days to schedule an initial appointment.
If you are pregnant, you can also call in urgent cases or questions. If you are in labour or due to give birth, please check in at the A&E reception desk.
LocationThe Maternity Unit is located on the second floor. Follow route 49 from the main entrance.
The Gynaecology Outpatients Clinic is located on the ground floor. Follow route 109 from the main entrance.
The Maternity Unit is located on the second floor. Take the lift at gate A in the entrance hall of the hospital.
The Gynaecology Outpatients Clinic is located on the ground floor. Follow route G3f.
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