Pregnancy support

Please note

The info on this page only applies to patients giving birth at St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze.

Prenatal consultation with a gynaecologist

Prenatal consultation with a gynaecologist

The gynaecologist provides medical follow-up during the pregnancy. He/she also makes time to give you the necessary information and to listen to any discomforts, questions and wishes.

You can make an appointment with the gynaecologist through the maternity unit or the gynaecology secretariat.

Prenatal consultation with midwives

Prenatal consultation with midwives

You can have at least one consultation with a midwife during your pregnancy. Together with you, she zooms in on your wishes and expectations around labour and delivery, and feeding your baby. She will draw up a birth plan with you, provide information and listen to your questions. The midwife also provides practical information about the admission, stay and discharge at the maternity unit.

You can make an appointment for a prenatal consultation with the midwife through the gynaecology secretariat.

Lactation consultation

Lactation consultation

Our maternity unit has been committed to breastfeeding promotion and support for years. A prenatal (during pregnancy) and postnatal (after delivery) lactation consultation are new in our range of services. You can contact our trained lactation consultants with all your questions on breastfeeding. With their knowledge and experience, they can also give you lots of tips & suggestions to make the breastfeeding period a success.

Make an appointment for a lactation consultation through maternity.

Health education

Health education

Health education by midwives

One Health Education session consists of two lessons and is supervised by a midwife. Breastfeeding, labour and delivery and caring for your baby are covered in detail. In the last lesson, you will also get a tour of the maternity unit and delivery unit.

Find more info via the button below.

Health education around medicated pain relief during labour and delivery by anaesthetists

During this information evening, the anaesthetist explains the different forms of medicated pain relief during labour and delivery.

You can get a leaflet with the dates of this information evening through the gynaecologists and/or the gynaecology secretariat. You will also find them in the pregnancy folder.


You can register through the anaesthesia secretariat or by emailing

Medication use during your pregnancy and/or breastfeeding period

Taking medication during your pregnancy or breastfeeding period may be necessary sometimes. To ensure safe use for both mother and child, reliable information is needed. A national centre of expertise could help disseminate reliable information about this topic in the future.

A questionnaire determines your information needs and preferences regarding information about medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The findings from this study will help to align the operation of the Belgian centre of expertise with the preferences of (future) parents as much as possible.

Both mums and dads, pregnant and breastfeeding women and their partners, and couples with a desire to have children can participate in the study.



HypnoBirthing is a complete pregnancy course that focuses on breathing techniques, relaxation exercises and visualisations to maximise your preparation for labour. The aim is to make relaxation your body's own so that it will almost come naturally during birth, to gain confidence in your own body, and to prepare consciously for your baby's birth.

Find more info via the button below.

Growth package - the starting amount

Growth package - the starting amount

The starting amount, formerly maternity fee or birth premium, is a one-off amount from the Flemish Government that you can apply for when you are expecting a baby. With this, you can give your little one a great start in life. The starting amount is part of the Growth Package. Find out more via the video below or at

Mental health during your pregnancy and early parenthood

Mental health during your pregnancy and early parenthood

Pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood can bring difficult moments. As care providers, we are aware of this and want to discuss the emotions involved. We invite you to discuss your concerns as a future parent with your partner and with us. The gynaecologists and midwives are always there for you.

By using the link below, you can fill in an online questionnaire that gauges your emotional well-being. Based on the result, you can enter into discussions with your relatives, midwife, gynaecologist, GP or other care providers.

The questionnaire will take only 5 minutes of your time. Click on the button below and then on 'Flanders' to read all the information in Dutch.

Tot slot kan het initiatief 'Wolk in mijn hoofd' ook ondersteuning bieden. Het netwerk wil de preventie, detectie en behandeling van mentale gezondheidsproblemen tijdens de zwangerschap tot één jaar na de bevalling verbeteren en heeft hierbij aandacht voor de bredere psychosociale context van de zwangere of bevallen vrouwen en een goede samenwerking tussen de verschillende gezondheidswerkers en instellingen. Meer info vind je via de knop hieronder.

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