A-Z facilities
Conditions and diseases
Conditions and diseasesYou can contact the Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Department for a wide range of disorders and treatments. An overview of the most common ones can be found below.
Acute otitis media
nasal mucous inflammation
Hay fever, allergic rhinitis
Hearing one's own voice double
Neuronitis vestibularis
Branchiogenic cyst
Vestibular schwannoma or acoustic neuroma
Burning mouth syndrome
Otitis externa
Peripheral facial palsy, paralysis
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Infection of the bone that protrudes behind the ear
Laryngopharyngeal reflux
Third tonsil, nasal polyposis, adenoids, hypertrophic polyps
Septum deviation
Thyroglossal duct cyst
Bloody nose
Middle- or inner-ear calcifications
Tympanic patching
OSAS, sleep apnoea syndrome, snoring
Ringing in the ears
Peritonsillar abscess
Dysphony, Voice disorders
Articulation problems
Benign vocal cord tumours
Chronic middle ear infections
Chronic throat infections
Deviated nasal septumDeviated nasal septum
Ear drainage
Enlarged lingual tonsils
Enlarged thyroid
Hoarseness in children
Improper vocal cord use
Language disorders
Muscle tension for the oesophageal opening
Muscular tension of the larynx
Predisposition disorder of the larynx
Tongue and mouth burns
Vocal chord paralysis
Vocal cord cancer
Voice misuse
Wear and tear of the neck vertebrae
Zenker's diverticulum
Tests and treatments
Tests and treatments-
Hearing implant
course of allergen injections, vaccination against allergy
Nasal endoscopy, nasopharyngeal endoscopy
Septoplasty, nasal septum correction
Functional aesthetic septorhinoplasty
Monitoring during sleep
Thyroid scintigraphy
Adenoid removalPolyp removal
Allergy test
Behavioural observation audiometryin children
Brainstem testBERA test, brainstem evoked response audiometry
Cauterisation of nasal blood vessel
Conditioned play audiometryin children
Controlled scarringCoblation method
Ear drops
Ear tubes
Eardrum repairMyringoplasty
Flexible endoscopy examination
Hearing aids
Hearing testse.g. pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, brainstem audiometry
Nasal CPAP
Nasal ointment
Nasal tamponTamponade
Operation of the parotid gland
Otoacoustic emissionOAE
Polyp extraction
Pure tone audiometry
Silver nitrate cauterisation of nasal blood vessel
Sleep endoscopy
Speech audiometry
Speech audiometry in children
Stereotactic radiation therapy
Surgery on the salivary gland in the lower jaw
Tonsil removalTonsil removal
UvulopalatopharyngoplastyRemoval of part of the uvula and soft palate
Visual reinforcement audiometryin children
Voice testVoice therapy
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