A few tips
A few tipsChildren may find the A&E Department threatening or scary. That is why we would like to give you a few tips:
- Be honest and tell your child the truth.
For example, if the child needs stitches, do not say that it will not hurt. - Tell your child why you are going to the A&E.
- Stay as calm as you can.
- Discuss with the nurse whether and what your child can drink and eat while you wait.
AccompanimentChildren are always accompanied by a responsible adult. This adult is responsible for supervising the child at all times. If the child is not accompanied by a responsible adult, the supervising emergency zone nurse will supervise the child until the arrival of a responsible adult.
Welcome to the children's website
Welcome to the children's websiteChildren are increasingly searching for information on their own (digitally). To make sure children get to read or hear the right info, our hospital developed a children's website.
"The website gives correct info about (day) admissions, investigations and what is involved in them in a simple way. This way, our young patients can come to our hospital well prepared and with peace of mind."
Paediatrics head nurse Aurélie Sprengers
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