Sports Medicine Centre

Sports medicine pathway

Curious about what our sports medicine trajectory entails? Watch our videos for more information!



The Sports Medical Centre is located at the Medical Centre in Gentbrugge.

Upon your arrival, check in using your identity card at an e-kiosk in the reception hall. At this point, you may take a seat in the waiting room.

Stress test

Stress test

Would you like to know whether you are medically able to participate in sports and how your condition is doing? In that case, the Sport Medicine Centre team can perform a stress test. This always takes place under medical supervision.

After the intake interview, a resting cardiogram is taken and your height, weight and abdominal girth are measured. If your resting cardiogram is normal, a stress test on the treadmill and on the exercise bike can be performed (or you can you use your own bike).

The test is performed under constant monitoring of all the parameters that are important to determine your condition and medical suitability. After the test, the physician discusses the results with you and you will get the necessary (training) advice to start working on your physical condition.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy

Injuries are sometimes caused by reduced weight bearing capacity. That means that imbalanced or reduced strength, flexibility or functionality can result in injury.

At the Sports Medicine Centre, we gain an idea about your weight bearing capacity via screening. These details are compared to the information for someone with the same age, sex, movement level and type of movement.

After the screening, a detailed report is prepared, along with the necessary advice to prevent injury. You will receive the report on an online platform.



Our podologist collects the necessary information with a pressure reading, as well as carrying out a clinical exam and medical imaging. Based on this information, we formulate recommendations that will support and guide you in your daily movements or your sports activities.

Sometimes, special supportive inserts are required. There is also a personal follow-up after the measurements.

Nutritional advice

Nutritional advice

During an intake conversation, the dietitian takes an extensive nutritional history and your lifestyle and eating habits are explored. Your goals or the athletic performance that you would like to achieve are examined, as well as the desired time frame and how to best achieve these targets. In addition, a physical analysis will be performed, including muscle and fat mass measurements.



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