Gastric banding

What is it?
What is it?In this operation, a silicone band is placed around the upper part of the stomach (gastric band ring or stomach ring). This divides the stomach in the shape of an hourglass.
This band is connected to a small port under the skin. Liquid can be injected through this port into the band to fill it. This creates a small gastric pouch that can hold little food (20 ml on average).
Given that you feel full pretty quickly, particularly with solid food, the procedure is especially suitable for volume eaters (people who eat a lot). The digestion is completely normal, so sweet eaters (people who like to eat sweet food), do not benefit from gastric banding. In fact, sweets can still pass through the band quite smoothly.
The procedure
The procedureThe procedure takes about 2 hours (depending on the type). You can leave the hospital the same day.
ResultsThe gastric band is placed only in exceptional situations for the following reasons:
- poorer long-term results
- frequent complications (such as slipping, erosion, infection of the band)
Centres and specialist areas
Centres and specialist areas
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Latest publication date: 06/08/2024