Tonsil removal in children
Symptoms and causes
Symptoms and causesPreparation
Your child may drink clear fluids such as water (not sparkling) and clear fruit juices without pulp up to two hours before the procedure. Your child may eat a light meal (e.g. a sandwich or toast with jam) upt to six hours before the procedure. Bottle-feeding is allowed during this time, but your child may not eat any fatty foods or meat.
If your child uses inhaler treatments for the lungs, please administer this medication on the morning of the procedure.
At the consultation, you will receive a folder with information leaflets. Complete the questionnaire that pertains to your child. In the event that you do not get this questionnaire, you may complete it at the time of registration.
KidsID/ISI card
For each session, check in using your identitification card at the e-kiosk in the entrance hall of the hospital. If you do not have a KidsID, please register at the information desk. You will then be accompanied to registration.
What if your child is unexpectedly sick?
You and the physician will decide on an operation date. If your child is sick on the day of the scheduled operation, the operation will be postponed.
- Has your child been sick in the days leading up to the procedure, and you are wondering whether the procedure can be performed? In that case, ask your GP or the attending ENT physician by calling the secretariat at +32 (0)9 246 83 00.
- Is your child feeling sick on the day of the procedure? In that case, contact the Admission Department as soon as possible by telephoning +32 (0)9 246 96 60.
Diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis and treatmentTreatment
The operation is performed using short-lasting general anaesthesia. One of the parents may accompany your child into the operating room. After the procedure, one of the parents may stay with the child in the recovery room.
The attending ENT physician will discharge your child after consulting the attending anaesthesiologist.
- After the procedure, your child should eat enough and drink enough liquids (yoghurt, popsicles, ice cream, etcetera).
- Starting the day after the operation, your child may eat anything that is not too hard or too hot (e.g. soup, purees, ice cream, porridge, yoghurt). You may gradually advance to normal feeding. Wait a full six days before giving spicy, hard or hot foods. Do not give your child hard bread crusts, hard fried foods or
hard candy, for example. Grapes, oranges and other fruit can be painful to eat. - The first few days, your child may take medication for the pain. The physician will discuss this with you. It is normal to feel ear pain and see white spots in the throat during the first few days after the procedure.
- If, after coming home, and the days afterward, you see red blood coming out of the mouth or nose, or if you child is vomiting or has a fever above 38° C, please contact your attending physician or the ENT physician on call.
- Stay out of direct sunlight during the first few days.
- It is recommended that your child have a follow-up check-up a few days after the procedure.
Cost estimate
Cost estimateCentres and specialist areas
Centres and specialist areas
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Latest publication date: 13/08/2024
Supervising author: Dr. Vermeiren Judith