Urinary tract
The urinary tracts carries out an important task for our body's health: it filters the blood and removes the toxins and poisonous substances. The urinary system, or urinary tract, consists of various organs: the kidney, adrenals, ureter, bladder and urethra. Symptoms or problems can develop in these organs, just like in other places in our body.
Renal cysts
A renal cyst is a fluid-filled sac, typically located on the outside edge of the kidney. It is a benign condition.
Kidney stone
A kidney stone is a calcification that forms in one of the two kidneys. This stone is usually in the kidney and cannot usually be felt.
Ureter stone
A painful renal spasm develops when the kidney stone 'breaks off' and travels from the kidney to the ureter, blocking the normal flow of urine. A ureter stone is, as such, a kidney stone that, at a certain moment, comes loose and then gets stuck in the ureter.
Bladder infection
A bladder infection is an infection of the bladder.
Bladder pain syndrome
With bladder pain syndrome, a defect in the renal mucous membrane causes chronic irritation, which reduces the bladder's capacity. Bladder pain syndrome goes hand in hand with pain in the lower abdomen and symptoms such as 'having a small bladder'.
Bladder stone
A bladder stone is a stone that gets stuck in the bladder. This happens only rarely: normally, stones in the bladder are easily passed. A bladder stone that does not pass can grow, making urinating difficult.
Urinary incontinence
Incontinence is the same as involuntary urine leakage.
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