Intermediate and long-term care wards Geriatrics
Ghent: - Level 6, Gate D601, Rooms 6101 - 6120 - Level 6, Gate D602, Rooms 6201 - 6222 - Level 6, Gate D603, Rooms 6301 - 6320
The Geriatrics Department of Maria Middelares General Hospital can be described as a senior-friendly hospital environment that strives to provide high-quality care and services to old people in need of care.
The interdisciplinary staff work closely together with this goal in mind. The team consists of geriatric specialists, nurses, speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians, psychologists, staff from the care support department, Social Services staff, Pastoral Care Service, cleaning staff, volunteers and others.
Contact information
Contact informationEach of the various nurse’s stations has its own number, which you may use at any time to contact staff:
- D601: +32 (0)9 246 61 00
- D602: +32 (0)9 246 62 00
- D603: +32 (0)9 246 63 00
The Geriatrics Department can be contacted at all times.
Head nurses
Head nursesOnly available in Dutch:

Onthaalbrochure geriatrie in AZ Maria Middelares
DownloadNon-geriatric departments
Non-geriatric departmentsInternal liaison team
The interdisciplinary liaison team consists of a geriatric specialist, a geriatric nurse, a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, a dietitian, and a psychologist. They support patients with geriatric care profiles during a stay in a non-geriatric department. Their advisory role helps to optimise the care that senior care recipients receive.
Geriatrics external liaison project
The geriatrics external liaison project strengthens the connection between the hospital and the care provided outside the hospital (home health care services, wound care centres). The hospital strives for an optimal relationship with its external partners.
Day hospital for geriatric patients
Day hospital for geriatric patientsIn the day hospital, geriatric patients are able to schedule same-day tests or consultations.
You may read everything here about the day hospital for the geriatric patient.
Patient education
Patient educationCognufit!
The 'Cognufit!’ programme offers four-hour-sessions, during which practical tips that have been tailored to the individual are offered to people with memory problems and their informal carers.
All important information about ‘Cognufit!’ can be found in the leaflet provided below.
Only available in Dutch:

DownloadDementia: care for the caregiver
‘Dementia: care for the caregiver’ is a psychological education package developed on the initiative of the Flemish Expertise Centre for Dementia and the Flemish Alzheimer's League non-profit organisations. The series focuses on the informal carer looking after someone with dementia at home or elsewhere.
All important information about ‘Dementia: care for the caregiver’ is to be found in the leaflet provided below.
LeafletsMultidisciplinary geriatric handbook
As an organisation, we want to be the best in specific criteria that apply in the treatment and rehabilitation for senior citizens in need of care. This refers to persons who are older than 75 years old, are at risk of falling or who take several types of medicine, or who are suffering from a complex constellation of medical conditions. The treatment and rehabilitation for such persons demands specific expertise.
The ‘Multidisciplinary geriatric handbook’ describes the way we coordinate care in the geriatric care programme. You will find answers to your questions such as:
- What is the geriatric care programme?
- What services does a Geriatric Day Hospital provide?
- What does a geriatrics internal liaison team do?
- How is a Geriatric Department organised?
- Which rehabilitation programmes are performed?
- What does a physiotherapist, a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, a dietitian etc. do?
- How will your discharge be prepared?
- How will your care be continued after leaving the hospital?
If you have specific questions about the geriatrics process, you may always ask to speak to the (head) nurse, the therapist or the attending physician.
Only available in Dutch:

Pluridisciplinair geriatrisch handboek
DownloadWelcome leaflet – Geriatrics
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Onthaalbrochure geriatrie in AZ Maria Middelares
DownloadFolder Tips for meal support
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Tips voor maaltijdbegeleiding
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