AZ Sint-Vincentius Deinze
AZ Sint-Vincentius Deinze
Schutterijstraat 34
9800 Deinze
GPS coordinates:
50.98645055, 3.52780931995948
Do you have an appointment in AZ Sint-Vincentius Deinze or are you coming to visit? Our hospital is easy to reach by public transport or by car. Map out your route here.
Once on the site, you can easily find your way to your desired destination thanks to our simple routing system. Each department, consultation room/waiting room or public area is assigned a number. Depending on your destination, you start from the general reception or the emergency reception. Digital overview boards provide an overview. Important places (exit, cafeteria, stairwells, quiet room, etc.) are highlighted throughout. For more info, contact the info desk or the volunteers.
There is a free bicycle parking area to the left of the main entrance.
Deinze railway station is 1 km or a 15-minute walk from our hospital.
You can also take the bus. The bus stop is right opposite the station entrance. Get off at the Deinze Kerkhof stop (100 metres from the hospital).
Following bus lines stop at this stop:
- Line bus 71
- Line bus 75
- Line bus 77
- Public bus 78
- Public bus 83
- Scheduled bus 87
- Scheduled bus 132
- Scheduled bus 811
- Scheduled bus 812
- Line bus 813
- Scheduled bus 814
You can drive to AZ Sint-Vincentius Deinze in different ways.
Please note the current works between Aalter and Deinze on regional road N409 (Aaltersesteenweg, Vinktstraat and Deinzestraat). More info on the works and the road diversions you can follow can be found here.
Parking zones
AZ Sint-Vincentius Deinze provides several parking zones for its patients and visitors. People with disabilities can always park for free upon presentation of the blue disabled card. See further.
Main entrance car park
At the front of our hospital you can park free of charge for the time being.
If the car park is full, you can also park in Schutterijstraat (paying). Free parking is available in Peter Benoitlaan and at the cemetery.
Oncology patients day hospital can park for free. When planning a day admission, parking facilities can be discussed. Submit your question to the care coordinator when he or she contacts you by telephone the day before admission.
Underground parking in Ramstraat
Patients and visitors can temporarily park free of charge in the underground car park in Ramstraat (from floor - 1 to -3).
Parking spoed
Patiƫnten voor de spoedopname kunnen gratis parkeren.
Voor anderen die van deze parking gebruik maken, gelden de hiernaast vermelde tarieven. Je kan je parkeerticket valideren aan de automaat bij het onthaal van de spoedopname of het dagziekenhuis.
Tijd | Kostprijs |
0 tot 30 minuten | Gratis |
Meer dan 30 minuten en minder dan 1 uur | 3 euro |
Tussen 1 en 1,5 uur | 4 euro |
Tussen 1,5 en 2 uur | 5 euro |
Tussen 2 en 2,5 uur | 6,50 euro |
Tussen 2,5 en 3 uur | 7,50 euro |
Tussen 3 en 4 uur | 10 euro |
Tussen 4 en 5 uur | 12,50 euro |
Tussen 5 en 6 uur | 15 euro |
Tussen 6 en 7 uur | 17,50 euro |
Meer dan 7 uur | 20 euro |
Verloren ticket | 20 euro |
Underground car park in Meulenstraat
Parents of hospitalised children (neonatology, paediatrics) and partners of hospitalised maternity mums can use this car park with a multi-use card.
You can purchase this at reception. You will then receive a fixed code with which you can enter the underground car park. You will also receive an exit card allowing you to leave the underground car park for several days.
A seven-day exit ticket costs 16 euros.
Patients and visitors with disabilities can use the reserved parking spaces at the main entrance. Wheelchairs are also available.
You can park here free of charge provided your disability card is visible on the windscreen of the car.
If you come with a companion, you can also be dropped off on the ramp of the 'carport', at the main entrance. The accompanying person then parks the car.
Need a wheelchair?
You will find wheelchairs in three places in the hospital:
- at the main entrance
- emergency and day hospital entrance
- disabled entrance
The wheelchairs are connected with a chain system. You can disconnect them with a 1 euro coin.
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