Digital medical record
Consult medical data and results via CoZo
Consult medical data and results via CoZoWould you like a simple and safe way to consult medical results and data? That may be done using our portal website or the accompanying app (to be used on smartphone or tablet). This provides patients with a user-friendly way to access to their own medical records.
Patients who consulted a physician at our hospitals, our Medical Centre Maria Middelares in Gentbrugge or our Medical Centre in Aalter can consult their data digitally. Lab results and images medical imaging is visible immediately on CoZo once known, for other results a longer period applies (7 days or 21 days after validation).
It is easy to consult your data from various care providers (reports, results, imaging, medication plans, letters...) from a single source..
Note: only data from 01 December 2017 or after is available. Do you need information that is from before that date? Request information from (the secretariat for) your attending physician.

How can I sign up?
Consult your information using or using the app available for download from the Google Play or the Apple Store.
As a parent, are you linked to your child's medical record? Discover how you can do that yourself.
What is Cozo?
Our organisation is part of the Collaborative Care Platform (CoZo), a digital collaboration platform where patients, care providers and facilities can exchange medical data. It is the federal government's largest data sharing network within eHealth. Data from more than 110 facilities and data sources (including hospitals, psychiatric facilities, laboratories, radiology practices and regional vaults Vitalink, BruSafe and Intermed) can now be consulted centrally and securely through the CoZo platform. Given the sensitivity of the data, the security of the registration and login procedure is paramount.
Data sharing between Maria Middelares General Hospital and St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze
Data sharing between Maria Middelares General Hospital and St Vincent General Hospital in DeinzeAs St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze and Maria Middelares General Hospital work closely together, an integrated system for patient administration and the electronic medical record is used for reasons of efficiency and continuity of care, i.e. one system for both hospitals together.
In doing so, we will, of course, maintain strict access controls. Only care providers who are directly involved in your care will see your data. What they see will depend on their function. Each staff member is bound by professional confidentiality.
Data sharing outside Maria Middelares General Hospital and St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze
Data sharing outside Maria Middelares General Hospital and St Vincent General Hospital in DeinzeYou decide whether to securely share your medical data with other care providers. This can be done by registering your consent on the portal or by signing the 'informed consent' form you receive upon your admission.
The advantage of data sharing is that your care providers are better informed about your medical history and can potentially treat you faster and better, which may also prevent you from undergoing unnecessary tests.
Be advised that your medical records are only available to the care providers with whom you have a care and/or therapeutic relationship and who are able to ensure the quality and continuity of your care during your hospital contacts.
Moreover, you have the option to withdraw your consent at any time, deny access to certain care providers or request that certain information not be shared.
ContactWould you like more information about online data sharing or informed consent to data sharing? If so, contact the Admission Department.
Admissions Department at Maria Middelares General Hospital
Tel. +32 (0)9 246 96 50
The Admissions Department is available every weekday from 6.45am to 9pm and on weekends from 7.30am to 9pm.
Admissions Department at St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze
Tel. +32 (0)9 387 70 26
The Admissions Department is available every weekday from 7.15am to 4pm.
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