
Do you speak another language or are you deaf or hard of hearing? Then you can let an interpreter assist you.

You can only request an interpreter at Maria Middelares General Hospital (Ghent) and Maria Middelares Medical Centre (Gentbrugge).

How do you ask for an interpreter?

How do you ask for an interpreter?

If you would like to request an interpreter, fill out the form at the bottom of the page. If it is urgent, you (or your representative) can request an interpreter using our Social Services.

How far in advance should you ask for an interpreter?

  • For booked appointments and admissions, submit your request as soon as you know the date. You should do so no later than two days before the scheduled appointment.
  • Was it not possible to request an interpreter in time? Please let us know within the week after your appointment, stating the reason.

Where can you use an interpreter?

  • Both at Maria Middelares General Hospital and at the Maria Middelares Medical Centre in Ghent-Bruges.
  • You can only use an interpreter for appointments in our hospital. Non-hospital appointments are not covered by this scheme.

How do we choose an interpreter?

  • We engage an online remote interpreter or a telephone interpreter.
  • A professional interpreter can only come on site if a remote interpreter or telephone interpreter is not available.
  • Our hospital makes the appointment with the interpreter.

How long can you use an interpreter for?

  • As a patient, you can have an interpreter at your disposal for as long as necessary, justified and reasonable. It is important to discuss the expected duration with your physician beforehand. Our services must also be informed of the agreed period during which an interpreter is to be present.

Does the hospital pay for the interpreter?

The hospital pays the interpreter:

  • If you let us know in advance that you need an interpreter. You should do so no later than two days before the booked appointment.
  • In the event that a Flemish sign language interpreter attends a delivery, a maximum of 5 hours will be reimbursed, unless the doctor or midwife requests that extra time will be allowed for due to the nature of the delivery.

The hospital will not pay the interpreter:

  • If we were not informed (in time).

Do you have any other questions?

We will be happy to help you at the Social Services of the hospital. We also take care of the practical organisation.

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Request support from an interpreter

Contact details of the patient

Contact details of the applicant (if different from the patient)

I wish to appeal / I appealed to an interpreter

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