Incident reporting

An incident is an unintended occurrence during the care process that has caused, or is likely to cause, harm to a patient.

Handling incidents

If, despite all good care, incidents or near-incidents occur, we handle them with all care.

We have an internal reporting system for all incidents or near-incidents where patient safety has been compromised. These reports are an important pillar for initiating improvement actions in the field of patient safety. Incidents are reported in an atmosphere of trust, where the focus is on how to prevent such incidents in the future.

Do you, as a patient, have specific expectations regarding the hospital and/or its staff regarding the incident in which you are involved? Contact the ombudsman’s officeto report the incident as a formal complaint.

Your opinion is important

Reporting the incident

This form is only available in Dutch.

{"class":"validate","formAttributes":{"data-title":"Contact ombudsdienst: incident","data-skip-html-reload":true}}

Enkel invullen indien je hierboven koos voor 'Andere'

Enkel invullen indien van toepassing

Enkel invullen indien van toepassing

Bv. 01/01/1990

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Your feedback is important to help us improve our care.

Maria Middelares General Hospital is accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI). You can also contact them directly via this link.