Suggesting improvements

You can directly communicate a suggestion for improvement or a concern about patient safety and quality. These may include questions such as:

  • How can we elevate the comfort of our patients during their stay?
  • What can improve the flow of information throughout the hospital and to GPs?
  • How can we enhance health-care safety in the hospital to prevent incidents?

All suggestions for improvement are discussed internally and evaluated for feasibility and added value for the patient.

Do you, as a patient, have specific expectations regarding the hospital and/or its staff? Direct your suggestion to the ombudsman’s office to report it more as a complaint.

Submit your suggestions for improvement here

This form is only available in Dutch.

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Enkel invullen indien je hierboven koos voor 'Andere'

Enkel invullen indien van toepassing

Enkel invullen indien van toepassing

Bv. 01/01/1990

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