Social Services and arranging assistance

Our social workers provide support, information, advice, referrals and guidance.
A visit or admission to a hospital is one of the many links in the care chain. We help ensure a smoother transfer between those links. The social support we provide can start before, during or after a visit or stay in our hospital.
Social Services chiefly help in arranging for different types of care, assistance and administration associated with being ill. Collaboration with the patient themselves, their relatives and care providers at and outside the hospital is a must in this process.
Who is it for?
Who is it for?The provisions of Social Services are available to everybody.
- Patients
- Informal carers, relatives, important loved ones
- Care providers, health care professionals, referrers
What can we help with?
What can we help with?Social workers can provide answers to manyquestions:
- Who can assist me once I am home?
- Where can I continue to recover after my admission?
- How do I get my mandatory health insurance fund (health mutual) back in order?
- Which premiums or allowances might I be eligible for?
- Who can help me with my search for adapted employment or daytime activities?
- Where can I find help with (excessive) medical expenses?
In addition, you can also call on Social Services to be a listening ear and to obtain information on the organisation and coordination of various services (e.g. home nursing care, family assistance services, cleaning service, hot meals, volunteer assistance, loan services for medical/orthopaedic care equipment, patient transport and assisted living). Our assistance is discreet and free of charge.
If a social worker cannot answer your question immediately, he or she will refer you to other services, if necessary. There is close cooperation with colleagues from mutual insurance funds, CPASs (public centres for social welfare), residential, care and rehabilitation centres, mental health centres and so forth.
Reporting an admission
Reporting an admissionHospital stays are becoming increasingly shorter. Well-prepared admission and discharge procedures ensure a smooth transfer from home to hospital and back.
Will you yourself or a relative be admitted to hospital? Please inform us as soon as possible if you require support.
Click on the ‘Report an admission’ button below and complete the form. We will respond quickly.
Contact information
Contact informationGeneral e-mail address:
Social Services can be contacted:
- Monday from 8.30am to 4.30pm
- Tuesday from 8.30am to 6.30pm
- Wednesday from 8.30am to 4.30pm
- Thursday from 8.30am to 6.30pm
- Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm
Each department has a dedicated social worker. Feel free to call or e-mail for an appointment. Contact details can be found below. You can also ask a nurse or a staff at reception if a social worker is available. Social services staff visit the ward.
Contact details by department
General surgery, abdominal, bladder, prostate, gynaecological and oncological surgery
Day hospital, intensive care, unplanned care, intermediate care
Cases are allocated to social workers based on the main condition. Please contact a social worker that is appropriate for the medical problem involved. If in doubt, contact a social worker or the department head for guidance.
Physio and Spine Unit
Pain Clinic
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Ambulatory cardiac rehabilitation - Kirsten De Roeck
- Ambulatory Rehabilitation Neurology – Lies De Temmerman
- Orthopaedics Rehabilitation - Lotte Bruyneel
- Rehabilitation Neurology – Maaike Verplancke
- Intermediate and long-term care wards D601, zone 1 and 2 - Hanne Tiné
- Intermediate and long-term care ward D601, zone 3 - Miet Verdonck
- Intermediate and long-term care ward D602, zone 1 - Miet Verdonck
- Intermediate and long-term care ward D602, zone 2 and 3 – Pakize Ergürbüz
- Intermediate and long-term care ward D603 (room 1-11, bed 1) – Sarah De Laender
- Ward D603 (room 11 bed 2 to room 20) – Lies De Temmerman
- Geriatric Day Hospital - Hanne Tiné
- Geriatric patient admitted to a ward (other than the Geriatrics Department) - assignment of a social worker file by file
Gynaecology – Obstetrics – Fertility
Heart disease
Cardiovascular Surgery
- Cardiac Surgery - Kirsten De Roeck
Vascular Surgery - Lies De Temmerman
Hormonal and metabolic disorders and diabetes
Skin disorders
Paediatric diseases
Pulmonary diseases and allergies
Medical Oncology – Haematology
- Oncology Day Hospital
- Gastroenterology-Oncology Day Hospital Leen Verwee
- General and Haematology Oncology Day Hospital: Katrien Praet
- General Oncology (admission) - Leen Verwee
- Gastroenterology and Endocrinology (inpatient and outpatient) - Leen Verwee
Oral, mandibular, and facial surgery
Ear, nose and throat diseases
Renal disorders – Dialysis
- Hospitalisation & Dialysis: T - Th - Sat, Katrien Praet
- Hospitalisation and Dialysis: Mon – Wed – Fri – Ellen De Seranno
Nuclear Medicine and Radiology
Eye disorders
- Orthopaedics - Lieselot Schellekens
- Short stay - Lotte Bruyneel
Plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, aesthetic surgery
Psychiatric Department (PAAZ)
Voice disorders, head and neck surgery
- Elien Demeyer (department head)
You can always reach out to Social Services through the nurses on the ward, either by phone (between 9am and 12pm and 1pm and 4pm) or by e-mail. Preferably by appointment in advance of the visit. A social worker is present in the hospital every day except weekends.
Social Services is located on the third floor. Follow route 69 from the main entrance.
(Ortho)geriatrics, Geriatric Day Hospital
Internal Medicine, Oncology Day Hospital, Intensive Care, Accident & Emergency, maternity, paediatrics, outpatients clinic
Acute Geriatrics, SP Locomotor Rehabilitation, surgery and pre-admission
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