Dementia: what next?
When a diagnosis of dementia is made, it can impact the life of the person with dementia in various ways, as well as the life of his or her loved ones. Our hospitals offer support to patients and their informal carers through various initiatives.
Advice for after the diagnosis: dementia expert
Advice for after the diagnosis: dementia expertThe diagnosis gives rise to many emotions and questions. It is a good idea to plan and prepare for the future together.
It may be the case that you, as a caregiver, will lose sight of the big picture and will question whether you have overlooked something. You might also have quite a few urgent emotional and practical questions.
CognufitThe physician can refer you to the ‘Cognufit’ programme: an individual rehabilitation programme for caregiver and patient.
During the first appointment, we seek to understand the situation of the person who has dementia and his or her environment in order to respond to direct questions.
During a follow-up session, we will continue to support you further in concrete difficulties like physical activities and a safe home environment. Upon request, we offer cognitive exercises and help you look for medical aids, as well as seek out memory tips and tricks. With the help of home-based tasks, we can then determine whether our tips are also able to be put into practice.
This programme does not forget the caregiver. You will receive tips regarding hygiene, self-care and medication use. There are also important tips for how to interact with a person who has dementia. In addition, we keep your own energy and emotional experience in mind.
Practical aspects
The initial consultation is held at the Geriatrics Day Hospital. The subsequent sessions are scheduled in consultation with you. We can also refer to other care providers and to the psychological education programme for caregivers of persons with dementia: Dementia: care for the caregiver.
- Geriatrics Day Hospital: +32 (0)9 246 22 01
Dementia: care for the caregiver
Dementia: care for the caregiverFor informal carers
In Flanders, almost 65% of people with dementia live at home. Some live alone, others with a relative. People often have a great number of questions after the diagnosis. Those include practical questions but also questions about the emotional aspect.
How can you look after your relative with dementia but also look after yourself? ‘Dementia: care for the caregiver’ focuses on informal carers who care for someone with dementia, either at or outside of the home.
A number of things may be helpful:
- Finding out more about dementia, its impact, how to cope with it and what support is available.
- Learning to cope with your feelings, thoughts and caregiving burden better.
- Meeting people who support and understand you.
What do we offer?
Ten meetings:
- always in the same group of up to 15 informal carers of people with (young-onset) dementia
- exchange of insights, knowledge and skills
- reflection and exchange with other informal carers
These sessions will help you to cope with the sometimes challenging caregiving situation and also to derive satisfaction from it.
‘Dementia: care for the caregiver’ is a psychological education package developed at the initiative of the Flemish Expertise Centre for Dementia and the Flemish Alzheimer's League non-profit organisations. The counsellors have completed the ‘Dementia: care for the caregiver’ coach training.
€80.00 This includes your participation in the ten sessions and a copy of the book ‘Dementia: care for the caregiver’ (Dementie en nU) for informal carers.
At Maria Middelares General Hospital Ghent, every Thursday from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.
- Spring 2024 series: 22 February 2024, 29 February 2024, 7 March 2024, 14 March 2024, 21 March 2024, 28 March 2024, 4 April 2024, 11 April 2024, 25 April 2024, 2 May 2024
- Autumn 2024 series: 5 September 2024, 12 September 2024, 19 September 2024, 26 September 2024, 3 October 2024, 10 October 2024, 17 October 2024, 24 October 2024, 31 October 2024, 7 November 2024
At St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze, each Wednesday from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.
- Spring 2024 series: 27 April, 24 April, 8 May, 15 May, 22 May, 29 May, 5 June, 12 June, 19 June, 26 June
Get more information by e-mail or through one of our staff:
Learn more about these information sessions in the leaflet below:
Dementia Compass
Dementia CompassThe first line zone Schelde and Leie has a Dementia Compass that helps care providers and caregivers in their search for organisations that offer help or treatment for persons with dementia. Our hospital is committed to working with dementia experts, supported by the specialties of geriatrics and neurology, in providing this care.
Dementia guidance
Dementia guidanceDementia has a range of impacts. It is a good idea to plan and prepare for the future together with your carer. Do this at a pace that you feel comfortable with. Not everything must be accomplished straight away.
Below is a list of the most common and most important matters. It is not complete, as dementia manifests in many different ways. Every person requires an approach that suits their circumstances.
The Dementia guidance is aimed at those with early dementia and their helpers.
Only available in Dutch:

Dementie - een praktische houvast na de diagnose
DownloadYour role as carer
Your role as carerIf a person with dementia is accompanied by their informal carer during their hospital stay, this may prevent the patient from feeling confused and agitated. As a carer, you are an indispensable link in your loved one's continuity of care.
Dementia Walk-in Centre
Dementia Walk-in Centre
Ghent aspires to being a dementia-friendly city. Everybody is welcome at the Dementia Walk-in Centre with questions about dementia.
Maria Middelares General Hospital is a partner of the Dementia Walk-in Centre. Compassionate care for people with dementia and their informal carers is a priority for us. Rest assured that you can also always contact your doctor or our dementia coaches with any questions you may have.
Flemish Expertise Centre for Dementia
Flemish Expertise Centre for DementiaThe Flemish Expertise Centre for Dementia is a partnership between the Flemish Platform for Informal Carers and SAM (a social welfare support centre). It is one of the action points in the informal care plan of the Flemish government.
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