Education sessions on Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson's disease and other conditions with Parkinsonism are common neurological conditions that affect more than 50,000 people in Belgium. The disease can manifest in a variety of ways, such as mobility issues (shaking, muscle stiffness, etcetera), cognitive problems or problems with going to the toilet, sleeping, swallowing, speaking, etcetera.

Experts from Maria Middelares General Hospital and St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze want to answer the many questions that arise. A variety of subjects will be discussed in several free information sessions. The information session are held on an annual basis. You can choose for yourself which information session(s) you want to attend. Registration is required.


The target group for these information sessions are patients of Maria Middelares General Hospital and St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze and their informal carers or close relatives.


From 2pm to 4pm. The doors open from 1.30pm.


Maria Middelares General Hospital - Kapittelzaal, Buitenring Sint-Denijs 30, 9000 Gent

This is not in the hospital building. Follow the signs on our site to the Klooster Building (number 1 on the map below).

Scroll down to view the programme and to register.

CONTACT or +32 (0)9 246 28 60


Click on the title to register.

19/01/2024Cognition and communication

Riet De Paermentier, speech therapist
23/02/2024Exercise and nursing tips

Silke Cocquyt, physiotherapist
Lore Sucaet, Neurology nurse
22/03/2024Nutrition and swallowing problems

Riet De Paermentier, speech therapist
Griet De Maesschalck, dietitian
19/04/2024Psychological and sexual changes

Ulrike De Taeye, psychologist
07/06/2024(Daily) life: information sessions about assistive equipment, services, subsidies and tips & tricks

Myriam De Schynkel, Occupational Therapist
Maaike Verplancke, Social Worker

What can the Flemish Parkinson's League do for patients and informal carers?

Volunteer Flemish Parkinson's League

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