Informal care participation
Having an informal carer, a familiar face, with someone with chronic care needs during their hospital stay can help prevent confusion and anxiety. As an informal carer, you are an indispensable link in your loved one's continuity of care.
Learn more in the leaflet below about participation as an informal carer in the care trajectory of a person who has dementia.
Only available in Dutch:

Participatie mantelzorger in AZ Maria Middelares
DownloadMy habits
My habitsAre you looking after someone with a cognitive disorder or dementia, and is a hospital admission scheduled? Help us to get you know your loved one, so we can take their daily routines into account as best as possible during their hospitalisation. This will ensure a calmer and more comfortable hospital stay.
Download the 'My habits' document below. Print it out, complete it and give it to the nurse. The document will be posted in the room.
Only available in Dutch:

Mijn gewoontes
DownloadDialogue card
Dialogue cardDialoguing together is important for cooperation in health care. What are the expectations? Are we headed in the same direction?
This is why we developed 'Dialogue’ (Samenspraak). This is a card that helps informal carers, those in need of care as well as professional care providers enter into dialogue as equal partners. It makes the experiences and expectations of the various parties discussible. Dialogue is the result of an action study by the Support Centre for Wellness, Public Health and Family as part of the Flemish Caregiver Plan.
You can download the dialogue card below.
This document is only applicable or in use at Maria Middelares General Hospital.
Only available in Dutch:

Fiche samenspraak
DownloadAdvice for dementia
Advice for dementiaWhen a diagnosis of dementia is made, it can impact the life of the person with dementia in various ways, as well as the life of his or her loved ones. Our organisation supports patients and their informal carers or loved ones through a range of dementia initiatives. Learn more via the button below.
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