
  1. Treatments
    Brain perfusion scan

    What is it? This test visualises the blood flow in the different parts of the brain, which is indicative of the functioning of those specific regions. Among others, it is applied in the diagnosis of dementia but also after brain trauma, brain infarction, etcetera. You can find more information in t...

  2. Treatments
    Spinal cord stimulation

    What is it? There are nerves in the body that have 'damage sensors' at the nerve endings. If there is damage somewhere, this will be detected by these nerve endings. These nerves send a warning signal to the pain regulation centre in our brain. We feel this sensation as pain. It is formed i...

  3. Treatments
    Occipital nerve injection

    What is it? Occipital nerve neuralgia (occipital nerve pain) is neck pain and headache that presents at the back of the head. It is usually a stabbing or pressure pain that radiates from the back of the head over the entire head. There can be continuous pain in-between the stabs of pain. Symptoms a...

  4. Treatments
    Corneal transplant

    What is it? The most important function of the cornea is to let light through and to focus it on the retina. If the cornea becomes cloudy or deformed because of a disease or accident, the projection of light onto the retina is affected. This has consequences for that eye’s vision. In such cases, a ...

  5. Treatments
    Thyroid scan

    Symptoms and causes What is it? The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped organ, consisting of a right and left lobe, that drapes around the front and sides of the windpipe (trachea) in the lower part of the neck. The thyroid absorbs iodine from the blood and uses this to produce the thyroid hormones neces...

  6. Treatments
    Charging your neurostimulator

    What is it? A neurostimulator is a permanently implanted (rechargeable) battery. Your stimulator sends an electrical current to the electrode. The stimulator requires energy to do this and must be charged periodically with the help of a separate charging system. Practical information The neurosti...

  7. Treatments
    Nuclear Medicine treatment

    What is it? Nuclear Medicine treatments should not be confused with radiotherapy . Radiotherapy consists of radiation therapy, either using devices (external radiotherapy) or with radioactive rods or granules that are implanted in a patient (brachytherapy). Nuclear medicine therapy includes treatme...

  8. Specialisms
    Blood collection

    You can visit our various sites for a blood sample: Ghent - Maria Middelares General Hospital St Vincent General Hospital in Deinze Ghent-Bruges Medical Centre Aalter Medical Centre We answer the most common questions in the category 'Practical'. You can also contact us by telephone.

  9. Specialisms
    Hospital pharmacy

    The hospital pharmacy is responsible for various tasks such as the storage, distribution and preparation of medication, central sterilisation, the provision of information, participation in committees and quality policy. Find out exactly what that means!

  10. Specialisms
    Surgery Ghent and Deinze

    Our surgeons at Surgery Ghent have in-depth expertise and experience. In doing so, they always respect the latest international guidelines.

  11. Treatments

    Why an EEG? An electroencephalogram (EEG) measures the electrical activity of the brain. The most common reason for performing an EEG is to diagnose epilepsy . An EEG can help to examine other diseases or disorders such as sleep disorders, a brain infarction, metabolic disorders, ADHD, headache, et...

  12. Specialisms

    You will soon undergo a procedure or examination at one of our hospitals. A team of anaesthetists and staff are ready to make this run as safely and comfortably as possible. We hope that your hospital admission goes smoothly!

  13. Treatments
    Peritoneal dialysis

    What is it? There are two types of peritoneal dialysis: Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD): a form of peritoneal dialysis that is performed manually. Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD): dialysis performed by a machine at night.

  14. Treatments
    Palliative case and advance care planning

    Advance care planning Everyone has an opportunity to think about future care. This means that all patients (including those in non-palliative situations) with questions about the end of life or about whether or not to go for treatment in specific situations can have an advance care planning convers...

  15. Specialisms
    Our specialties

    The Paediatrics Department offers quality care to your child, often on referral from or in consultation with the GP. You can call on us for a number of specific subspecialties.

  16. Treatments
    Treatment with TENS unit

    What is it? After consulting the hospital's pain doctors, it was decided to start TENS therapy. TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Neuro Stimulation) is a treatment that reduces pain without using medication. It works by sending tiny electric shocks through your skin, stimulating your nerves. TENS...

  17. Treatments
    Injections for pain in lower back and buttocks

    What is it? The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is the joint between the sacrum and the ilium bones. Due to wear and tear (arthrosis), inflammation, surgery or an accident, the SI joint area may undergo change. This may result in pain in the lower back and buttocks. The pain may also manifest on one side on...

  18. Specialisms
    Clinical studies

    Patients who wish to do so can participate in a clinical trial. Here is a list of the current studies: Digestive Oncology (more info with Dr E. Monsaert and Dr E. Vanderstraeten ) TRIPP-FFX (Oncosil) : An open-label, multicentre, randomised trial on targeted intratumour placement of phosphorus-32 (...

  19. Specialisms
    Holiday dialysis request by patient
  20. Specialisms
    Registration for prenatal classes