Specialiteiten & CentraFacilities
Dieticians are experts in all sorts of health issues related to nutrition., such as diabetes, obesity and malnutrition. Children can also come to see us here. Read on to find out what our dietitians offer.
Specialiteiten & CentraEmergency
A visit to the emergency or urgent care service is often unexpected. Your GP or a hospital specialist may refer you to A&E. If you are unsure whether an emergency admission is necessary, we recommend you contact your GP first.
Specialiteiten & CentraChildren
A few tips Children may find the A&E Department threatening or scary. That is why we would like to give you a few tips: Be honest and tell your child the truth. For example, if the child needs stitches, do not say that it will not hurt. Tell your child why you are going to the A&E. ...
Specialiteiten & CentraWait times
If you come to our A&E Department, you may have to wait a while before it is your turn. The reason for that is that we want to help as many people as possible, as well as possible. Patients with the most urgent complaints are therefore prioritised. This is termed triage . Depending on the na...
Behandelingen & TestenDay treatment at PAAZ (Psychiatric Department of the Maria Middelares General Hospital)
What is it? With psychiatric day treatment at Maria Middelares General Hospital , we offer a programme for people who want to give their lives a different direction by working on themselves. These days, many people experience the pressures of daily life as a heavy burden. It can cause a lot of s...
Behandelingen & TestenAbdominoplasty
Pregnancy, ageing or weight loss can cause the skin of the abdomen to sag, creating the typical skin (fat) rolls. Sometimes, the abdominal muscles are also weakened and there is swelling of the abdomen in the midline. These changes to the abdominal are often exacerbated by exercise or weight loss. ...
Behandelingen & TestenFacelift
A facelift is an aesthetic procedure that corrects the facial signs of ageing. The facial ageing process manifests in skin becoming looser, an increase in wrinkles and the sagging and/or atrophy of certain parts of the face. A facelift restores these changes without taking away the natural facial e...
Specialiteiten & CentraVascular Surgery
The department of vascular surgery or vascular surgery specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of vascular conditions. Vascular conditions are problems with the blood vessels in your body, i.e. your veins and arteries. We can also treat conditions that occur less frequently. For problems with varicose veins, visit our phlebology department .
Specialiteiten & CentraHaematology
You can contact our haematologists for abnormalities in the blood, blood-forming organs, bone marrow and lymph nodes. Approximately 20% entail benign diseases, such as coagulation disorders, anaemia or an increased tendency to thrombosis. 80% are malignant diseases. The Haematology Department is part of the core team of the Integrated Cancer Centre Ghent (Geintegreerd Kankercentrum Gent, IKG) .
Specialiteiten & CentraUrology Centre
Welcome to the Urology Centre. You can refer to us for all care and treatment in the field of urology. We help you as quickly and as well as possible, with innovative equipment and the latest techniques, at a high scientific level.
Specialiteiten & CentraCompassionate Use (CU) and Medical Need
Procedure The application procedure for implementing a programme which provides medicines for use in cases of distress is described in Articles 106-107 of the royal decree dated 14 December 2006. A request for approval should be made with the Federal Agency for Medications and Medical Products (Fed...
Behandelingen & TestenStapedotomy
Symptoms and causes What is it? Stapedotomy is a procedure that we can perform in certain cases for otosclerosis (calcification in middle ear or inner ear) . Process Stapedotomy is not performed very often. At our hospital, we perform it relatively often in comparison with other hospitals. A stap...
Specialiteiten & CentraGeriatrics
Welcome to the Geriatrics Department! Our Geriatrics Department in Ghent and Deinze welcome elderly patients suffering from one or more age-related discomforts or additional conditions . The admission of an older patient to a hospital often has significant effects on the overall well-being and daily functioning of the elderly patient and their loved ones. Therefore, a passionate interdisciplinary team led by our geriatric specialists is ready to meet the physical, psychological and social needs of our elderly patients.
Behandelingen & TestenGastric banding
What is it? In this operation, a silicone band is placed around the upper part of the stomach (gastric band ring or stomach ring). This divides the stomach in the shape of an hourglass. This band is connected to a small port under the skin. Liquid can be injected through this port into the band to ...
Behandelingen & TestenVasectomy
What is it? Sterilisation is a definitive, safe and reliable form of contraception for men . During a vasectomy, the sperm ducts are blocked. This prevents sperm from reaching the seminal fluid. During sexual intercourse, only seminal fluid that does not contain sperm will be released, which preven...
Behandelingen & TestenCochlear implants
Symptoms and causes When is it indicated? If a hearing aid is not sufficiently effective , a cochlear implant may vastly improve an individual’s quality of life. A rule of thumb is that, if telephone conversations are no longer possible, it is worth testing whether an implant would be useful. A ...
Behandelingen & TestenSwallowing study
Symptoms and causes When is it indicated? A swallowing study may be advised for different types of swallow disorders. Two types of a swallowing study: Swallow video (at the Radiology Department): Depending on your symptoms, you will be given food and/or drink containing a contrast agent. Usually, a...
Behandelingen & TestenSleeve gastrectomy
What is it? Sleeve gastrectomy (stomach reduction) is keyhole surgery in which about 60-85% of the stomach is removed to combat obesity . This creates a narrow gastric tube of about 100 to 150 cc. So of the original stomach (size of a melon), a stomach remains with the size of a banana. A stomach r...
Behandelingen & TestenPICC line
What is it? PICC is an abbreviation for peripherally inserted central catheter . It is a thin tube (catheter) that will be inserted into a vein in your upper arm . The tip of the catheter is positioned in a large vein just above the heart. Medication or liquid nutrition can be administered through ...
Behandelingen & TestenGastric bypass
What is it? A gastric bypass is an operation in which the stomach is reduced in size to combat obesity. The surgeon creates a small gastric pouch of 20 to 30 cc. The small gastric pouch is connected to a one piece of the small intestine (small intestine loop). A part of the small intestine is diver...